Online Marketing Tips For Up-And-Coming Jewelry Makers

Online Marketing Tips For Up-And-Coming Jewelry Makers

There are two aspects of business. One part is the creative aspect that you probably love and the other is the business part. You learned to make jewelry from scratchbecause you are an artist, but now you have to figure out how to use the Internet in your favor. The following are a few marketing tips to consider.

Think About Focused Content

Successful online marketing involves having a grasp on the voice of your company. You need to be in tune with the spirit of your jewelry pieces, and create content that matches that spirit. For example, those who create diamond jewelry pieces with a touch of elegance should create content that will impress customers who appreciate classic things. A jewelry maker who focuses on avant-garde or creative pieces should definitely write for people who are adventurous or those who love to stand out from the crowd. Content is vital for online marketing because it’s your company’s voice and what customers use to connect with you.

Earn Trust With Confidence

Many people are warming up to buying merchandise online, including such niceties as diamond jewelry, but you still have to inspire confidence. One thing you can do is educate your online visitors about how to identify fakes online. This makes your jewelry-making company exude confidence and helps you earn people’s trust. You also want to teach customers how to choose diamonds so that they feel confident enough to browse through your selection without any doubts. A customer that has doubts is likely going to end up leaving your site, and you do not want that.

Use Smart Apps to Connect

smart apps
As a small jewelry maker you need to hit those small local craft shows or weekend markets. Not only are these events quite inexpensive, but they allow you to properly survey your potential customers. You can empower your staff through apps. For example, there are a few jewelry-specific order entry apps that usually come with a customizable portable showroom so that your staff can let customers see all of your pieces, even if they are not with you. You should also consider using an M-POS app to turn a smartphone into a barcode reader, inventory checker, and register. These apps should make it easier for you to see what jewelry pieces sell better so that you begin to concentrate on those designs rather than others.

The Importance of Jewelry Photography

Teaching your potential customers everything there is to know about online jewelry only goes so far. Those apps that you are going to use to showcase your pieces and your website are going to depend on the quality of your photographs. Online users love detailed photographs, meaning that they need to be taken using a high-quality camera and by a professional who knows how to light each piece perfectly. Making sure you have attractive photographs should also help improve your online marketing material. Hire someone who has taken pictures of jewelry before and someone who is not afraid to show his or her work. Online users cannot see or feel your pieces so your photographs need to compensate for that, which is part of the reason why these are vital in jewelry online marketing.
Jewelry Photograph
Hopefully, some of these tips help you blossom in this new world filled with apps and online marketing tools. Be sure to keep an open mind because there are bound to be new ways to shop, and your store needs to adapt one way or another. Try to attend seminars or conferences discussing some of today’s new ways of marketing jewelry and how small businesses like yours can use those techniques.
