Of course, we have the company which exercises control over billions of devices and most of the internet thanks to its widely popular search engine and browser. With the addition of smart features enabled by machine learning, Google hosts an endless stream of user data from services like Google Maps, Assistant, and more.
Of course, we have the company which exercises control over billions of devices and most of the internet thanks to its widely popular search engine and browser. With the addition of smart features enabled by machine learning, Google hosts an endless stream of user data from services like Google Maps, Assistant, and more.
- To download an archive of your Google data, head over to this link and log in with your account. On the landing page, scroll down to select specifically which platform’s data you’d like to access. Once done, click “Next”.
- You can customize the archive’s various attributes such as the file type, max size, and where the file needs to save.
- Now, Google will process your request and depending on the size, alert you whenever it’s ready for download.
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